Crowdfunder fundraising for EFDSC!
11 Dec 2020
This fund is designed to help EFDSC Swimming Club get back to swimming as safely as possible within the government and Swim England guidelines, and through the help and support of our members, their friends and families, we have been able to raise £5,660!
Watch the video and read below to see our appeal for help:
Since March our swimmers have been unable to train due to the Covid-19 crisis. For our young people who train with their friends up to 6 days per week this has been a truly difficult time.
We are a volunteer run club and simply don't have the financial reserves needed to see us through a crisis of this duration. We had to cancel all our Galas for this year, losing a large amount of our income, and all of our usual fundraising activities that keep our club afloat have been curtailed by the ongoing crisis.
We are looking to build up reserves to support the club with increased pool costs during a club rebuilding phase, to retain the services of our coaches, and to support members who are experiencing financial difficulties. It is really important to us that, as a local club, all our members are supported to keep swimming, and in doing so retain their friendship bonds with squadmates, through these difficult times.
Our swimmers' safety is our top priority and we are committed to following all guidance laid down by the government and by Swim England. Social distancing measures mean that we now need more pool-space and more pool-time to accommodate the number of swimmers we have - and that costs money! We have been able to support our swimmers fitness with Zoom led land-training sessions but, again, this is an expense we are paying out for.
Epping Forest District Swimming Club are a friendly and inclusive club based in Loughton. We have been part of the community for over 40 years and have taught hundreds of local children to swim.
We currently have over 400 members ranging from 4 years old to adults. Epping Forest District Swimming Club is a community club with the aim to promote competitive swimming in Epping Forest District. We aim to achieve this by providing a secure and caring environment where every member is valued and encouraged to work together as a team to achieve high standards in competitive swimming and to reach individual goals.
We are a well-known and valued part of the local community and hope to continue to provide swimming opportunities for local children and members for many years to come!
COVID-19 is making our wish to keep the club going, now and for future generations, more of a challenge as time goes on. As well as collecting members fees we need to raise money throughout the year to fund the running of the club. In normal years we do this with events such as our annual home gala, a Christmas gala, discos, bbqs to mention a few.
Unfortunately this year none of these events have been able to take place and this is why we are appealing for your help in filling the gap that has been left. This will enable us to continue to offer local children the valuable service that EFDSC provides, not just the physical training but the positive impact the club brings to mental health which at this time is more important than ever.
We thank you for reading and appreciate any donation, big or small, that you are able to give.